Cap-Catcher Bottle Opener
Another innovative Bottle Opener from Faro! The handy magnet on this bottle opener ensures that your bottle cap does not fall on the floor.
Change of copy: 90.00 (c) Min. qty. per change: 25 Under Min. charge: 150.00 (c) Speculative/Pre-production sample: 180.00 (c) plus applicable charges. 100% refundable with an ensuing minimum order of 100 units (excluding other charges)
Change of copy: 90.00 (c) Min. qty. per change: 25 Under Min. charge: 150.00 (c) Speculative/Pre-production sample: 180.00 (c) plus applicable charges. 100% refundable with an ensuing minimum order of 100 units (excluding other charges)