Bling Platinum Purse Mirror
Delivery: 10-15 working days from art approval. Change of Imprint: $90(c), Min. qty per change: 25, Under min. charge: $150(c). Spec/pre-production
sample: $180(c) plus applicable charges. 100% refundable with an ensuing minimum order of 100 units provided there are no changes to the design.
Includes: 4 color process decoration, black gift box with display window. Size: 2 3/4", Imprint area: 2 1/4" diameter.
sample: $180(c) plus applicable charges. 100% refundable with an ensuing minimum order of 100 units provided there are no changes to the design.
Includes: 4 color process decoration, black gift box with display window. Size: 2 3/4", Imprint area: 2 1/4" diameter.