Towel Holder With Ball Marker -COLONIAL - Decal 1"
Delivery: Faro Digi-Cal marker: 10 working days from artwork approval
Die struck marker: 20 working days from artwork approval
Includes: 1" ball marker, Individual polybag, and 6" leather strap. Matte background: Considered a color
Change of copy: 90.00(c) Min. qty. per change: 25 Under Minimum: 150.00(c)
Speculative / Pre-production sample: DL: 180.00(c), DS: 260.00(c), plus all other applicable charges.
100% refundable when order ensues (excluding any other applicable charges).
Die struck marker: 20 working days from artwork approval
Includes: 1" ball marker, Individual polybag, and 6" leather strap. Matte background: Considered a color
Change of copy: 90.00(c) Min. qty. per change: 25 Under Minimum: 150.00(c)
Speculative / Pre-production sample: DL: 180.00(c), DS: 260.00(c), plus all other applicable charges.
100% refundable when order ensues (excluding any other applicable charges).